11th Edition - All About Mothers
Welcome! In the last edition we spoke all about fathers, well to
square up the ledger I think it's only right to talk about mothers.
I love my mum (or mom, depending on where you reside). She's always
been there for me and still loves me unconditionally. It's a
wonderful thing. Of course, we are our own people and we clash in
certain areas, but I think a mother's job is to train her
fledglings to fly the nest and look after themselves. Mum taught me
that. She has taught me many things and I'm sure your Mom has
taught you much too.
I know we don't say thank you often enough. I know I don't. Thanks
for bearing me. Thanks for feeding me. Thanks for clothing me.
Thanks for cuddling me. Thanks for MY life. Thanks for EVERYTHING.
That's what today's edition is all about really, people saying
'thank you' to their mom, whether on their wedding day, their
anniversary or just saying thank you when the time was right.
By the way, if you haven't said 'I love you' to your mother for a
while, I suggest you do. It just might help. Here are a few real
life examples of people doing just that. I hope you enjoy them. All
the very best, Allen
The Sonnet I Bought For My Mum
Everyone gets their 15 minutes of fame and I am no exception. A
while ago The Guardian newspaper featured one of my poems. The full
story can be found here:
Not exactly a glowing review but you can't win them all!! This lady
was far happier with the results:
Lisa couldn't read her poem without crying. But she was thanking
her Mom and Dad on the occasion of their 60th Wedding Anniversary.
Full story here:
Finally, this edition wouldn't be complete with my thank you to my
Mum, written a few years back:
Okay, that's about it for today. I could go on but I'd better save
some for the next edition, which will be sent to you in about 7
days time. In the meantime, if I can help in any way, please let me
Until then, all the very best,
Allen Jesson
http://www.agiftofpoetry.com - Uniquely written gift poetry.
http://www.giftofpoetry.com - Create your own! (With some help :o)
Enjoy Life Tip No 12 - Don't Use Your Judgment (Too Quickly)
We all use our judgement each and every day. We are preprogrammed
to do so, we wouldn't have got this far otherwise. We have so many
decisions to make in a day, so many images to take in, so much
information, our brains just can't cope with all that processing.
So we have to use judgments based on predfined or prediscovered
information. For example, if we approach a green traffic light we
decide to keep on going because our judgment is based on prior
knowledge that green means it's ok to go.
Like I say, we couldn't survive without those judgment skills.
Sadly, those skills don't often transfer when it comes to judging
people. We usually make our mind up about a person based on very
scant knowledge indeed. Often our first impression. Often on what
someone else has told you about that person. Beware! That is all I
ask. When you look at a tree you see less than one quarter of that
tree. The roots are buried underground (50%) and you can't see the
side of the tree so in fact, it is a lot less than one quarter but
that would be laboring the point. Because the point I really want
to make is that people are just like trees, there is a lot hidden.
Probably around 90%.
SO, I am not asking you to like and love everyone, but just give a
little more. Give a little leeway, give a little love, give a
little more time before you decide that so and so is no good.
Because deep down, I bet he or she is.
It's just up to you to find that goodness.
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