Tuesday, October 24, 2006

We have just launched our new revamped newsletter and we intend to keep our visitors informed and entertained. We will also include some interesting tips and articles to help them get the very best out of life.

1. In every newsletter we will show an example of how poetry has been used in more dramatic or unusual circumstances to portray someone's innermost thoughts and feelings. This is a quite a sad but inspirational story, because the 'receiver' of this gift was already dead, gunned down in a hail of police bullets. His brotherDale wanted to say something at his funeral and this was the very moving result:


2. On a brighter note, poetry can also be used to celebrate thehappier occasions in life and this one of my favorite examples of just that, actually it was part of my wedding speech. Very revealing and highly emotional!!


3. Obviously, I feel poetry is a very powerful medium and I thinkthat it can be a very useful vehicle to get a number of importantmessages across. This is quite topical for me because at the time of writing I have decided not to drink alcohol for six months as part of my training program to run in a 26 mile marathon next year.I found it quite inpsirational, I hope you do too (and if you know anybody who maybe drinks too much, you never know, this might just help them cut down or stop completely):


4. Time Management Tips. If you didn't have time to read this, maybe you need some of these time management tips:


Okay, that's about it for today. I could go on but I'd better save some for the next edition. In the meantime, if I can help in any, please let me know. Thanks again and

All the very best,

Allen Jesson
http://www.agiftofpoetry.com/ - Uniquely written gift poetry forevery occasion.
http://www.giftofpoetry.com/ - Create your own! (With some help froma friend :o)

PS If you signed up for the free trial, you should have receivedyour password for the trial member's area. Hopefully, you've had a chance to have a play with the software. I would love to know your thoughts, please let me know. Here's a good example of what can be achieved in around ten minutes, in this case, for a wedding:


Obviously full members get access to the whole database, which consists of literally thousands of poems and categorized verses, all waiting for you to add your magic to them. However, even as a trial memberI think you should still be able to come up with something very meaningful, so again, please let me know how you went (why not send me an e-mail once you've completed your first poem?)


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