Sunday, October 17, 2010
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
HDD Camcorders
Just started a new site on HDD Camcorders. Thought you'd like to know.
Thanks, Allen
Posted by
Allen Jesson
6:20 AM
Photos: Camcorders, HDD Camcorders
Wednesday, November 04, 2009
Duvet Covers Bedding
Some great bedding ensembles here.
Truly great daybed bedding here.
Superb duvet bedding here.
Fabulous croscill bedding here.
Deliciously warm camouflage bedding here.
Posted by
Allen Jesson
2:08 AM
Photos: bedding ensembles, camouflage bedding, croscill bedding, daybed bedding, duvet bedding
Monday, November 02, 2009
Kids Comforter Set
Some great kids comforter set here.
Truly great kids comforters here.
Superb comforter sets here.
Fabulous comforters sets here.
Deliciously warm kids comforter here.
Posted by
Allen Jesson
8:36 AM
Photos: comforter set, Comforter Sets, kids comforter set
Friday, October 30, 2009
Down Comforter Sets
Some great comforter sets here.
Truly great down comforters here.
Superb down comforter sets here.
Fabulous daybed comforters here.
Deliciously warm down comforter set here.
Posted by
Allen Jesson
6:41 AM
Photos: Comforter Sets, Down Comforter Sets, Down Comforters
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
House Insurance Comparison
Just adding the finishing touches to house insurance comparison.
Posted by
Allen Jesson
1:17 AM
Photos: house insurance comparison
Friday, October 23, 2009
Zero Debt
Just set up a new blog all about achieving Zero Debt. Looking good!
Posted by
Allen Jesson
5:02 AM
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Car Insurance
Have just set up a car insurance blog, perfect if you're looking for a Free Car Insurance Quote.
All the very best, Allen
Posted by
Allen Jesson
5:50 AM
Monday, October 19, 2009
Short Term Health Insurance
Just created a new blog, all about short term health insurance.
Please check it out (for you and your loved ones).
Posted by
Allen Jesson
12:32 AM
Wednesday, May 07, 2008
Funny 50th Birthday Poem
Gee! I have been busy. If you have a look at this post here about my quest for a funny 50th birthday poem, you will see what all the fuss is about. By the way, if you're looking for a funny 50th birthday poem, I thought you'd be interested to find out that I have created a blog that focuses on exactly that, a funny 50th birthday poem.
If you don't like that one there's another funny 50th birthday poem here.
If you would like to check technorati for a funny 50th birthday poem you can do that too. By the way, if you're interested in blogging then I teach the importance of and more about technorati here.
As you can see, I've been busy, but not too busy to write your funny 50th birthday poem. Please get in touch. Thanks, Allen
Posted by
Allen Jesson
6:58 AM
Saturday, March 15, 2008
Alvin Phangs Atomic Blogging Product Review
Blogging. One word that has changed the face of the Internet in the last couple of years. In terms of SEO, if you do not blog, you are effectively sunk (without trace). I think the main reason for this is that blogs give search engines exactly what they want and that is fresh updated content. When you tie in the power of RSS feeds and Social Bookmarking sites then you have a mighty beast indeed.
I have covered a lot of aspects about blogging in my Alvin Phang's Atomic Blogging Product Review, but here are my top seven things you should do when blogging:
1. Blog often with unique, keyword researched and focused content.
2. Submit your blog to as many social bookmarking sites as you can find.
3. Submit your RSS feed to as many places as you can find.
4. Keep your ping list updated. Here's my updated ping list.
5. Create an article out of your post and submit that to article directories, with a link back to your original post. There's more on article marketing here.
6. Submit your post to your blogger blog.
7. Submit your post to your Squidoo lens. There's more on Squidoo marketing here.
Of course, you have to consider the time taken in all of this and the return expected. There are a lot of good tools and short cuts discussed in Alvin Phang's Atomic Blogging Product Review, so please take some time to read that before launching into a full time blogging career.
Posted by
Allen Jesson
9:08 AM
366 FREE Internet Marketing Tips AND Secrets
Here's the next tip in our 366 Free Internet Marketing Tips AND Secrets and I think it's an absolute beauty. I will be covering some detailed strategies for Google Adwords and Pay Per Click in the weeks to come, but here's something you can implement today and save yourself some instant cash!!
Simply, all you have to do is to choose your currency correctly when you set up your Google Adwords account. Already have an account? No problem, set up a new one, it's quite legal and within Adwords guidelines. But whatever you do, choose your currency as something OTHER than US$ (and not £ Sterling!). Important!!
Let's take the Australian Dollar for example. Well, at the time of writing, the Australian Dollar was worth around 88c of a US dollar. Well, what does this mean to you? It means that when you bid 1c for your keywords (I will show you how to get Adwords for 1c in future editions) you will only be paying $0.0088 per click, rather than $0.01 per click, a saving of around 12% (It's a good idea to check the currency exchange rates to choose the best option, for example, it may be the South African Rand tomorrow, the trick is to see what the minimum bid will be in that currency and then convert back to US$. Anything below 1c saves you...).
There you have it. An Internet Marketing SECRET (no more I think) that has the potential to save you 12% and a whole lot more, especially when you set up your accounts to only receive 1c clicks (and I'll show you that nice Internet Marketing Secret in an edition to come).
OK, if you followed my tip on Squidoo in yesterday's edition (you should) then you will be eager to gain a few more Squidoo tips and strategies, that'll be tomorrow. Until then, all the very best, Allen
Posted by
Allen Jesson
8:57 AM
Welcome! My name is Allen Jesson and over the next 366 days I will be sharing my ten years of online experience with you in 366 Internet Marketing Tips AND Secrets. I suggest that you keep these in a folder as this series will form an 'all you need to know' about Internet Marketing. You could even split the folders further as today's tip relates to Search Engine Optimisation. Tomorrow's will relate to Google Adwords (including a handy little tip that will save you around 12% from your Adwords bill) and so on. So, without further ado, here's day 1:
TIP 1 - Search Engine Optimisation = How To Get To Google #1
How did I get to become "the most popular poet on the Internet?" It's true! Just key that phrase into Google and there I am, in spots number 1 AND 2.
How did I do that? Let me show you. This is not a fluke and I rank on the first page for literally hundreds of search terms. Just key in 'anniversary poem' or 'gift poetry' into Google and see if you can find or At the time of writing I was #1 + #4 and #1 and #2 respectively. I will show you how to do this. So you too can have results like this in just a few weeks from now (depends on the search term of course, it may take a little longer for highly lucrative terms such as 'mortgage' and I'll explain why later).
Firstly, you need to know that a major part of Google's ranking algorithm....
Please subscribe to 366 FREE Internet Marketing Tips AND Secrets to read the rest of this post...
More tomorrow, until then, all the very best, Allen
Posted by
Allen Jesson
8:06 AM
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
366 FREE Internet Marketing Tips AND Secrets
Boy - Have I been busy!! Sorry, for not posting for a while but we have created loads of videos and a heap of new web-sites. I've also started a new blog entitled
366 Free Internet Marketing Tips AND Secrets
You can also view it here:
366 Free Internet Marketing Tips AND Secrets
If that's not enough, here are a few more of my sites....
Posted by
Allen Jesson
8:00 AM
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
The Affair
(This can, at times, be a little slow to load. If so,
then just follow the link below)
Posted by
Allen Jesson
6:45 AM
Monday, October 29, 2007
The Unknown Soldier
Latest video to be posted...
The Unknown Soldier
Posted by
Allen Jesson
4:19 AM
Poetry Videos
Hi, Lest We Forget...I have posted the first few of many poetry videos on the site at Please let me know what you think regards, Allen
Posted by
Allen Jesson
3:56 AM
Thursday, September 20, 2007
11th Edition - All About Mothers
Welcome! In the last edition we spoke all about fathers, well to
square up the ledger I think it's only right to talk about mothers.
I love my mum (or mom, depending on where you reside). She's always
been there for me and still loves me unconditionally. It's a
wonderful thing. Of course, we are our own people and we clash in
certain areas, but I think a mother's job is to train her
fledglings to fly the nest and look after themselves. Mum taught me
that. She has taught me many things and I'm sure your Mom has
taught you much too.
I know we don't say thank you often enough. I know I don't. Thanks
for bearing me. Thanks for feeding me. Thanks for clothing me.
Thanks for cuddling me. Thanks for MY life. Thanks for EVERYTHING.
That's what today's edition is all about really, people saying
'thank you' to their mom, whether on their wedding day, their
anniversary or just saying thank you when the time was right.
By the way, if you haven't said 'I love you' to your mother for a
while, I suggest you do. It just might help. Here are a few real
life examples of people doing just that. I hope you enjoy them. All
the very best, Allen
The Sonnet I Bought For My Mum
Everyone gets their 15 minutes of fame and I am no exception. A
while ago The Guardian newspaper featured one of my poems. The full
story can be found here:,,1713744,00.html
Not exactly a glowing review but you can't win them all!! This lady
was far happier with the results:
Lisa couldn't read her poem without crying. But she was thanking
her Mom and Dad on the occasion of their 60th Wedding Anniversary.
Full story here:
Finally, this edition wouldn't be complete with my thank you to my
Mum, written a few years back:
Okay, that's about it for today. I could go on but I'd better save
some for the next edition, which will be sent to you in about 7
days time. In the meantime, if I can help in any way, please let me
Until then, all the very best,
Allen Jesson
Poet - Uniquely written gift poetry. - Create your own! (With some help :o)
Enjoy Life Tip No 12 - Don't Use Your Judgment (Too Quickly)
We all use our judgement each and every day. We are preprogrammed
to do so, we wouldn't have got this far otherwise. We have so many
decisions to make in a day, so many images to take in, so much
information, our brains just can't cope with all that processing.
So we have to use judgments based on predfined or prediscovered
information. For example, if we approach a green traffic light we
decide to keep on going because our judgment is based on prior
knowledge that green means it's ok to go.
Like I say, we couldn't survive without those judgment skills.
Sadly, those skills don't often transfer when it comes to judging
people. We usually make our mind up about a person based on very
scant knowledge indeed. Often our first impression. Often on what
someone else has told you about that person. Beware! That is all I
ask. When you look at a tree you see less than one quarter of that
tree. The roots are buried underground (50%) and you can't see the
side of the tree so in fact, it is a lot less than one quarter but
that would be laboring the point. Because the point I really want
to make is that people are just like trees, there is a lot hidden.
Probably around 90%.
SO, I am not asking you to like and love everyone, but just give a
little more. Give a little leeway, give a little love, give a
little more time before you decide that so and so is no good.
Because deep down, I bet he or she is.
It's just up to you to find that goodness.
Posted by
Allen Jesson
10:23 AM
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Anniversary Poem 9/11 Part II
This is the second poem relating to the dreadful events of 11th September 2001. The first poem can be found below.
(Written on the 15th September 2001)
The World And Its Soul (Part II)
I have been blessed and cursed with perception,
because I can see what life has in store,
and my dreams of eternal peace,
seemed to have been dashed for ever more.
I have four beautiful children,
My God! What sort of life have I given them?
A world full of hatred?
With hopes and dreams condemned?
I have this dreadful feeling,
that we, as one, are on the edge,
and peace to you my fellow man,
is what I really want to pledge.
But how can life carry on?
With this cancer held within?
Without freedom of speech and movement,
where on Earth can you begin?
And when I think of my children,
from new born to troubled teenage,
how do I love them on the one hand,
and contain this burning rage?
I walked with my youngest son today,
a beautiful spring day in all its glory,
but the sun had lost its golden touch,
it had lost the magic in its story.
I keep trying to look for the positives,
and look for hope on the other side,
but then I cry me a river,
and gee, how I've cried.
I do hope for peace,
but I know we must do our battle first,
we need to satisfy our anger,
we need to quench our bloody thirst.
And hope springs eternal,
and may these days into history fade,
and may we all be very proud,
be proud of the roles that we've played.
Today, I took my four year old to the beach,
and this maybe, comes as no surprise,
because I saw the answer to our dilemma,
when I looked straight into his eyes.
He didn't care too much about what had gone,
but he did care about the sand in his shoes,
and then I thought about his tomorrows,
because he has literally everything to lose.
We all still have that hate and anger,
but we need to temper that callous steel,
we need to look at our family,
and think of how others might feel.
Retribution won't be denied,
but we need to dilute with common sense,
we need the world to survive,
we still need our children's innocence.
Love is stronger than hate,
and love and justice will prevail,
and I hope my children's children,
learn from and live to tell this tale.
So, I am still bitter,
and angry on a whole,
but we need to rebuild, not destroy,
the World and its Soul.
Copyright Allen Jesson :) 2001
This is the second poem relating to the dreadful events of 11th September 2001. The first poem can be found below.
(More at !)
Posted by
Allen Jesson
4:51 AM
Anniversary Poem 9/11
This is the first poem relating to the dreadful events of 11th September 2001.
(Written on the 12th September 2001)
The World And It's Soul (Part I)
Today I am in mourning,
the world lays heavy on my heart,
I know I have to get something down,
but I just don't know where to start.
Words have been my friend,
at most times they've served me well,
but today they are so inadequate,
because this story is so very hard to tell.
Everything for a reason,
or at least that's what I thought,
but try adding up the logic,
and today it comes to naught.
There's a baby crying somewhere,
her Daddy won't be coming home tonight,
he was in the wrong place at the wrong time,
and got involved in someone else's fight.
And as the chaos unfolded,
the sun in the sky brightly shone,
but it too seemed strangely sad,
the warmth in its smile had simply gone.
The images will always haunt me,
one last jump to save their lives,
one last thought of their children,
one last thought of their wives.
The Brothers, the brave rescue workers,
who went in when most would have fled,
so courageous and dedicated to the end,
maybe that's enough said...
Apart from; I am not a vengeful man,
but I too, have an unyielding anger deep inside,
and I pray that they get these bastards,
and that they have no place left to hide.
My children have lost their innocence,
so too the World as it grieved as one.
How do you explain this madness?
What can you tell your teenage son?
My heart goes out to the families,
and to the American nation as a whole,
for today I lost a part of me,
and so has the World and it's soul.
Copyright Allen Jesson :( 2001
This is the first poem relating to the dreadful events of 11th September 2001. The second poem follows. (You can see more at
Posted by
Allen Jesson
4:47 AM
Why I Love Writing Bespoke Poetry
Word for word....received yesterday...
"Dear Allen,
I am speechless with delight! You captured the essence of what I wanted and frankly I am blown away with your insight and skill! THERE IS NO ROOM FOR IMPROVEMENT. I knew I was going to be happy after reading some of the poems you already have written, but this… chokes me just to read the title! You got it exactly!!!! Because of this, my gift to my daughter will be the all time best gift I have ever given her. Thank you, thank you, thank you from the bottom of my heart! This is the most wonderful thing ever and I, usually verbose, cannot find words to express my feelings about this perfect poem you wrote.
I am ready to proceed! I chose the RIBBON CARD RANGE in silver please. The verse for the outer card is to be:
No matter how old we all become,
I'm still Mommy and I will always be,
I love, cherish and protect my children,
and yes, I take my role very seriously.
For the paper to be printed on…..I am not really excited about any I see on the site…. Have you any antique looking parchment paper? Less is more in my mind for that…
How can I pay you now and finalize this? And will let me know how to order the 2nd poem as well please? Thank you again Allen, for all of this. You have helped me guarantee that I am giving my daughter a gift straight from my heart."
(name withheld until after the wedding and then I'll publish the whole poem and story as I have been kindly granted permission)
Posted by
Allen Jesson
1:05 AM
Monday, August 13, 2007
Birthday Poem
Hi - I love my job. I wake up every day to feedback like this:
Morning Allen,
As you had done poems for me before I knew it would be wonderful but I am blown away by this. Your amazing! I didnt think you could capture every thing that I wanted to say but you have and its wonderful. Thank you again I cant wait to give it to him.
Just a couple of changes, I have put them below in red. Tell me what you think….happy for your suggestions, you are the expert!
Could I just have an email copy of this? Don’t worry about printing it on paper. Oh and no objections to you publishing it on your website.
Get the full story about this birthday poem here:
Posted by
Allen Jesson
2:57 AM
Monday, August 06, 2007
Wedding Poem From Mother To Daughter
Hi - It is peak wedding season so I am writing a lot of wedding poems at the moment. This feedback was recieved after the first draft of "A Mother's Love For Her Daughter". I am not going to share the whole wedding poem until after the wedding but this was the feedback I received, word for word…
"Hi Allen, Thank you so very much, it made me cry, so I don’t know what I am going to be like at the wedding.
I have changed a few things (I feel awful for doing so as it is so beautiful) and put in my words on how I would say it. I have changed it in RED
Allen I know it’s all over the place, I hope you will fix (I know you will be able to do so). Thanks again, be in touch soon. Warm Regards, Moya"
Posted by
Allen Jesson
10:23 AM
Wedding Poem From Friend To 'Sister'
Hi - I am not going to share the whole wedding poem until after the wedding but I have just written 'Wee Sister' and this was the feedback I received after the first draft…
"Dear Allen its great. I am in floods of tears. Angela left today so your timing is great. Only a few changes i think.Could you take out the word little e.g my wee little sister and just say wee sister? In verse 8 could you remove the My God as we are christians and wouldn't say that? And finally the last verse could you say something about blessing them and remove the bit about the bed? Sorry hope this is not too picky. Thanks again.Catriona"
Posted by
Allen Jesson
8:57 AM
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Gift For Anniversary
If you're looking for a gift for your anniversary then please check out our latest site, it is all about choosing the perfect anniversary gift. All the best, Allen
Posted by
Allen Jesson
4:28 AM
Monday, July 23, 2007
Loans Finance Insurance
Hi - Talk about warming up! We've just created a hot new site. If you're looking for a great deal on loans, finance or insurance, then please check it out. (Apologies for the blatant plug but we're very proud of this one :o)
Posted by
Allen Jesson
4:08 AM
Saturday, July 21, 2007
Global Warming
I can't help but think that we're in trouble. Serious trouble. I read recently that scientists are predicting that one of the Poles will COMPLETELY melt by the summer of 2040. Rising sea levels, changing weather patterns, the end of the Gulf Stream? Blimey! I can just imagine the tide of humanity that will be forced to move to higher or more fertile ground. Of course, the people on that hallowed ground will not welcome all the millions of new 'invaders' with open arms and then the real trouble will begin. I think the weather will be the least of our problems. It will be a catastrophe of gigantic proportions and literally, God help us.
But that got me thinking, maybe we can help ourselves.
It is obviously not too late. Take the UK for instance, who are about 1% of the world's population and about 2% of the total carbon emissions (because the average UK citizen is twice as carbon greedy as the average Worldishman). But the whole country could become carbon neutral and the world would still have 98% of the problem. This is the real issue. This is a GLOBAL problem that needs GLOBAL co-operation. Everyone needs to work together to reduce the carbon levels and the other greenhouse gases. That is why I think we are in trouble. We are CRAP at co-operating globally because we all want to look after our own back yard, our own interests, our own countries, our own economies. Look at the UN. I rest my case.
No government has EVER been voted in on what they are going to do for the PLANET.
Look, we are not going to stop China or India developing at the rate they are going. They too will eventually catch up with the UK and become twice as carbon greedy as the average. But they are the average, they are HALF of the world's population!
So, science and industry got us into this mess and they are the ones that will have to get us out of it. Look, there are many, many solutions to the carbon level problem and personally, I think plankton has got great potential. But who is going to pay for the seeding of trillions and trillions of plankton just so that they can suck the carbon out of the atmosphere and die and fall to the bottom of the ocean (thereby trapping the carbon on the sea floor)? It is a global problem. It is a global bill. Who is going to pay? I fear, eventually, we will all pay a far greater price than we ever dreamed possible. Don't take comfort from those scientists that say global warming is not happening, they are probably on the payroll of some oil giant somewhere. Confusion and doubt in the public mind is their greatest ally. They want you to keep driving your car and burning that electricity oil. They are looking after their own interest. That's all. Isn't it time we looked after ours?
Look, I haven't got all the answers but I do know we need to take action and take it now, before it is too late. Over to YOU.
Posted by
Allen Jesson
2:22 AM
Friday, June 22, 2007
Antique Engagement Rings
We've just added the finishing touches to our latest site, it's all about antique engagement rings and is well worth a visit. All the very best, Allen
Posted by
Allen Jesson
5:09 AM
Photos: antique engagement rings
Thursday, June 07, 2007
Start A New Religion
Enjoy Life Tip No 11
If you're fed up with what is currently on offer (religion seems to
cause a lot of death and mayhem if you ask me) then I think it is
time to start your own!
All you need to do is come up with a few 'rules' and start living
by them.
Here are a few of the 'rules' for my new religion, which is so new,
it doesn't even have a name yet (suggestions please)
You need to forgive the past, forgive others and above all, forgive
All humans are 99.99% identical. Don't let that 0.01% difference
bias your opinion of another, especially when it comes to color,
creed, religion or race.
If your child's education does not EXPAND the mind then it is not
education at all, it is something entirely different.
Being 'family' does not legitimize intolerable or unacceptable
Regret is a wasted emotion unless it is used as the propulsion to
move forward.
The past is set in stone, the future hasn't happened yet. There is
only NOW. But too often we spend time regretting the past, worrying
about the future and forgetting to live in the NOW.
So, to sum up, forgive, don't be a bigot, educate, do not accept
unacceptable behaviour, have no wasteful regrets and live in the
So NOW, what shall we call it?
Ideas for names and new rules please....
Posted by
Allen Jesson
7:31 AM
Father's Day Gift
10th Edition - All About Fathers and Father's Day
Welcome! I'd like to talk about fathers. I know from my
own experience that fatherhood can be a difficult role and I think
many underestimate just how difficult it is, to provide the right
amount of freedom, guidance and discipline, a tricky balancing act
at the best of times. My own theory is that I will just love my
children unconditionally, forever, no matter what. Easier said than
done at times but it is my life's plan, even if at times it feels
like that love is not returned (but I did leave their mother so I
forgive and understand them).
By the way, if you haven't said 'I love you' to your father for a
while, I suggest you do. It just might help. Here are a few real
life examples of people doing just that. I hope you enjoy them. All
the very best, Allen
Goodbye Dad - Trust In The Lord
Mike's father was sadly diagnosed with terminal cancer and was
given only months to live. This is how Mike said goodbye:
Hello - Dad
On a much happier note, Jen wanted something from their unborn baby
to the new father, Jeff. The poem is written from the baby's
perspective which I think adds a nice touch...
Thanks Dad - An Unselfish Role
Why does everybody leave it until the last moments to say I love
you? A truly touching story...
Posted by
Allen Jesson
7:28 AM
Wednesday, June 06, 2007
Busy Fool?
There are some days I feel like a busy fool. But then again, my web-sites do attract 1,000's of visitors every day and that certainly wouldn't have happened without that ' busyness and foolishness', so I think on that note I will end this post and get back to being a busy fool, working on ALL of these web-sites.....
Based Net Marketing Business
Posted by
Allen Jesson
2:03 AM
Sunday, May 27, 2007
Birth Records
Hi - Now that my own record of 5:43 is in the record books it's head down and bum up now that the running is over. I have decided to run another one so my marathon career is not quite over yet. In the meantime, I'm still working on a number of Internet business models, some of which are starting to bear fruit. I will keep you more informed on those as time goes on. This is one of them and I thought I'd share a very useful resource for looking up birth records or public records. I'm quite amazed at just how much information is available at the touch of a button. If you're looking for information on anyone, whether it be an employee, friend or partner, then I recommend
Posted by
Allen Jesson
5:22 AM
Thursday, April 26, 2007
Preparation, Perspiration + Determination

In truth, there were many times I thought I'd never get to write this post, especially when I went down with a flu/chest infection only 6 weeks before the race. During that time I didn't train for 3 weeks so the last week before the marathon was quite intense, with me desperately trying to catch up with my planned training regime.
The Sunday before the marathon I just about managed a 3 mile run but then 6 on Monday, 9 on Tuesday, 12 on Wednesday and a 22 mile run/walk on Thursday had me in mentally good shape. We got to London on the Saturday to register and stayed overnight in a hotel. Early night after a bowl of pasta and woke early on the Sunday feeling relaxed. Had a healthy breakfast and left hotel with time in hand.
Then disaster struck!
A tube train decided to break down in the tunnel under the Thames, blocking all tube traffic, the only way to the start at Greenwich, on the other side of the Thames. After waiting on our train for 30 minutes and then being shuttled off to another stationary train, I decided to take my risks elsewhere. This was about 30 minutes from start time and I was still 4 mile from the start line!!
Of course, that part of London was cordoned off so there was very little transport around. My basic plan was to catch a cab and get as close as I could and then run from there. Best laid plans and all that. No cabs (I did flag 2 down but they told me there was no way through) so all I could do was run (and walk when I realized the cause was lost) to the start. With 26 miles to run, I went and added 4 miles to the journey!! Still, I managed to get across the start line around 30 minutes behind schedule and off I went.
To be honest, because of the train trouble I wasn't alone and it wasn't long before I was overtaking some of the early walkers. Mind you, my race plan had been shot to bits and I had to step on it to avoid being overtaken by the 'sweep up bus', which is the official tail of the marathon (which is followed by the paint removers, barrier removers, sweeper uppers etc.). I was determined to stay in the race proper and despite having already covered 4 miles prior to starting, I felt pretty good after the first 10km. The crowd were ABSOLUTELY fantastic and despite 'running' at our sedate pace the cheers for the laggards were as big as for the front runners. As the temperature started to rise, it got tougher. Officially, temperatures reached 23.5C but it felt a lot hotter in some places. I drank 7 litres of water! No wonder they ran out of water at some stations as we were all very thirsty (Note to organisers: The unfittest people are at the back of the race and they need water too!). As you can see from my times, after the first hour I started to slow considerably but I'm proud to report that I ran all the way around, apart from when I was drinking the water and then I walked. Like I said, the crowd were FANTASTIC and there must have been over 1,000,000 watching. What was so heartening was here were total strangers, shouting out your name and just ENCOURAGING. They also offered much needed jelly babies, slices of orange, boiled sweets etc.etc., all paid for out of their own pocket. IT WAS THAT SUPPORT THAT GOT ME THROUGH. Do you know what happens when you're knackered and someone offers you a jelly baby from their outstretched hand? You keep going, that's what. You know someone cares, enough to give you a jelly baby and trust me, that's more than enough.
In the last 6 months, I have lost around 18lbs. I am now fitter than I have ever been. I have also raised over $2500 for my chosen charities, with more to come. (A sincere thanks to all those that have donated). I've also had a lot of quiet running time, a time for reflection (never could get my mp3 to work) and many of my 'problems' I have found a solution to. I have made remarkable progress in my business and that will come to fruition later this year. I still have work to do on some relationships but I will work on those in the coming months (now I'm not running so much). I guess what I'm trying to say is that this whole thing has been an immensely satisfying and rewarding experience. Just think, I couldn't run a mile 6 months ago! I encourage you, no, I implore you, to challenge your future, to see what you can achieve with a little bit of Preparation, Perspiration + Determination.
I'm sure, that like me, you will be amazed at the results.
Finally, there must have been every nationality, creed, color and religion in that crowd on Sunday and it gives me great hope for the future. I didn't see anybody in that crowd wanting to go to war or to see people suffer. No, they just wanted a good time and to help so as not to see others in too much pain.
Now, there's a recipe for the future, let's get rid of all these weapons and spend that money helping others from around the world get through their own individual marathon of life. We can do it! Regardless of creed, color, race or religion, if we just cheered each other on and gave a little bit of help when we could, I'm sure as a race, as a human race, we would be, just like I was, amazed at the difference we would all make.
Trust me, one jelly baby goes a long way...
Posted by
Allen Jesson
5:29 AM
Friday, April 06, 2007
Thank You
This is a just a quick thank you to all those out there who have lent their unwavering support. Thank YOU! To be honest, your generosity overwhelms me and I feel very humble. Thanks again, your thoughts and deeds do not go unnoticed. All the very best. Allen
Posted by
Allen Jesson
4:30 AM
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
Off The Island + Running For Charity
Well, we're getting serious now. Ran 18 miles on Friday (well, walked 2 of them but had to get off the island as the island is only 12 miles in circumference) and the plan was to run 20 this week. However, my wife has decided to give me her lurgy so I'm not feeling up to anything at the moment. Anyway, good for weight loss as I sweated buckets last night (urrgghh!) as the good guys (white blood cells) waged war with whatever is trying to undermine my efforts to finish this marathon in one piece. That reminds me of how all this started:
It was mid October 2006 and I was lying there, soaking up the last of the summer sun in the south of France. We'd had a sumptuous lunch of local cheese, crusty bread and the obligatory bottle of red wine. I was just about to doze off but something was blocking my view – my stomach!! In fact, if we'd been on the beach Greenpeace would have tried to put me back in!! Over 15 stone and 5 foot nine shouldn't belong in the same sentence but that is where I was, technically obese.
I also couldn't run a mile.
It was in that moment I decided I had to do something about my 'growing' problem.
"I think I'll run a marathon" was just one of 12,000 thoughts I had that day but it has led to number 41750 running around the inner London suburbs on April 22nd, all 26 miles and 385 yards of them! In fact, it has led to a whole lot more than that and I am now in training proper. I also ran in a half marathon at Silverstone (see below) so with that, I was just about halfway there.
It's not all about my stomach though and I'm hoping to raise £4,000 for Mencap (helping people with learning disability), a school in Ghana (can't afford a padlock, let alone books and desks) and the homeless in Colchester (why are they so?).
This is where you come in. On Friday I ran/walked 18 miles and there was nothing left in the locker. What with jogger's nipple and other delicate parts becoming far too delicate to mention, I was struggling. My legs had given way and my puff was gone. I'll be 49 this year, I'm just too old and too unfit to do this and I need your help to get me over the finishing line. I know by the time mile 20 comes, all I will be thinking of is how much money I'm raising by doing this. Literally, those thoughts will fuel each staggered step. So, please find below a donation button and just do what you can. 100% of the proceeds are going to the above causes so please ask friends and family to help if you want to. Please complete by April 14th so I have an idea what's at stake, especially for those last 6 miles.
Finally, let me say a big THANK YOU in advance. I really do appreciate your help and I know I won't make it without you.
Thanks again and all the very best, Allen
100% Of Proceeds To Charity
Posted by
Allen Jesson
2:16 AM
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
Allen Jesson Beats Nigel Mansell At Silverstone!!
Posted by
Allen Jesson
11:23 AM
Monday, March 05, 2007
Die Trying
Posted by
Allen Jesson
12:20 PM
Monday, January 15, 2007
How Big Is This Universe?
It's been a manic month. What with starting several new sites about capital and internet marketing I haven't had time to scratch myself. I am also pleased to report that I am now an official runner in the London Marathon in April 2007. Look out for runner number 41750, that's me! I'm running for Mencap, the homeless and a school in Ghana.
Just prior to Christmas I got up to 9 mile in one hit but then I pulled a calf muscle. I've had a couple of try outs since then but without success. I'm now resting it and will have another short run tomorrow, so wish me luck. I really miss it. Sadly, my no alcohol campaign also hit the rocks over the Christmas period but I am now (nearly :o) back on track. To be honest, I think I need the discipline of running to replace it so it will be easier when the muscle heals.
Now, let's get to today's big question: Just how big is this Universe? I'm reading a couple of books on the subject at the moment and I'm absolutely astounded at the size of all that surrounds us. Whenever they talk about light years (the distance light travels in one of our years at the speed of light, which just happens to be exactly 299,792,458 metres per second or 670,616,629.384 miles per hour) I start to lose focus and my eyes start to glaze over.
So, enough to say that a light year is a long way, a very long way indeed. But it's when they start talking about this place being so many MILLION light years away, I then start to lose perspective. Blimey! How far? For example, the closest spiral galaxy to our own, Andromeda is 2.5 million light-years from Earth. So the way I understand it, I've got to sit in a spaceship, if it were possible, that travels at 670.6 million miles per hour, for around 2.5 million years and I can then get a postcard to say that I've visited the CLOSEST spiral galaxy. Blimey! Double blimey! I have also recently read that several leading physicists reckon that there may be TRILLIONS of Universes!! I'm sorry, I'm going to have to lie down, my brain has just exploded.
Final thought for today, if you are right at this moment worried about something. Try putting that problem or worry into the perspective of the Universe. It probably won't seem so big after all....wishing you a life free of worry and problems.....all the very best, Allen
Posted by
Allen Jesson
3:11 AM
Saturday, December 09, 2006
Making Sense of Internet Marketing
I have a lot to think about on my runs now. I'm up to 7 miles and that takes me around 90 minutes. If I can keep that pace up that means I will finish in under six hours, which will do nicely thank you. One of the things that has kept me puzzling is the vast difference between the MSN and Google algorithms. You see, a site I launched a few months back, all about vintage engagement rings, went just about straight in on MSN at positions 1, 2 + 3 (you can sign up for my FREE internet marketing course) and do the same for your sites. But that same site, on Google, has just bombed. Nowhere to be seen. I checked out Google Sitemaps and they seemed to have spat out the dummy. It happens. That's why I have launched the 'sense' group of web-sites, whose aim is try and make sense of it all. The latest is and on that site we explore various ways how to make money, especially online.
Sorry this blog has been a bit business like but Google is front and centre of mind, normal service will be resumed next week, after I've had a chance to think this out on my next (8 mile!) run. Until then, all the very best, Allen
Posted by
Allen Jesson
1:23 PM
Friday, November 24, 2006
WInter, Porridge, Barley and Six Miles
Posted by
Allen Jesson
9:00 AM
Photos: article writing, internet marketing, internet marketing strategy
Monday, November 06, 2006
New Words For 2007
I've started to hit a little wall as far as the running goes. I'm trying to get past the 5 mile mark but my left foot starts to get pins and needles and then it falls asleep!!! It's very frustrating really. It may be the new running shoes, it may be poor circulation caused by 30 years of smoking, it may be not stretching my calf muscles enough before I start. Don't know but like most boulders you coem across, with the right thoughts they can become pebbles (just hope I don't get one in my shoe :o). Anyway, enough of the marathon man, this came across my desk today and I thought it was well worth sharing :o) Apologies to those who are easily offended, please switch off your sets now...
New words for 2007
TESTICULATING. Waving your arms around and talking Bollocks.
BLAMESTORMING. Sitting around in a group, discussing why a deadline was
missed or a project failed, and who was responsible.
SEAGULL MANAGER. A manager, who flies in, makes a lot of noise, craps on
everything, and then leaves.
ASSMOSIS. The process by which people seem to absorb success and
advancement by sucking up to the boss rather than working hard.
SALMON DAY. The experience of spending an entire day swimming upstream only
to get screwed and die.
CUBE FARM. An office filled with cubicles.
PRAIRIE DOGGING. When someone yells or drops something loudly in a cube
farm, and people's heads pop up over the walls to see what's going on.
(This also applies to applause for a promotion because there may be cake.)
SITCOMs. Single Income, Two Children, Oppressive Mortgage. What yuppies
turn into when they have children and one of them stops working to stay
home with the kids or start a "home business".
SINBAD. single working girls. Single income, no boyfriend and desperate.
STRESS PUPPY. A person who seems to thrive on being stressed out and
PERCUSSIVE MAINTENANCE. The fine art of whacking the crap out of an
electronic device to get it to work again.
ADMINISPHERE. The rarefied organisational layers beginning just above the
rank and file. Decisions that fall from the "adminisphere" are often
profoundly inappropriate or irrelevant to the problems they were designed
to solve. This is often affiliated with the dreaded "administrivia" -
needless paperwork and processes.
404. Someone who's clueless. From the World Wide Web error message "404
Not Found," meaning that the requested document could not be located.
OHNOSECOND. That minuscule fraction of time in which you realize that
you've just made a BIG mistake (e.g. you've hit 'reply all')
GOING FOR A McSHIT. Entering a fast food restaurant with no intention of
buying food, you're just going to the bog. If challenged by a pimply staff
member, your declaration to them that you'll buy their food afterwards is
known as a McShit with Lies.
AEROPLANE BLONDE. One who has bleached/dyed her hair but still has a 'black
AUSSIE KISS. Similar to a French Kiss, but given down under.
BEER COAT. The invisible but warm coat worn when walking home after a booze
cruise at 3am.
BEER COMPASS. The invisible device that ensures your safe arrival home
after booze cruise, even though you're too drunk to remember where you
live, how you got here, and where you've come from.
GREYHOUND. A very short skirt, only an inch from the hare.
MILLENNIUM DOMES. The contents of a Wonderbra, i.e. extremely impressive
when viewed from the outside, but there's actually naught in there worth
MONKEY BATH. A bath so hot, that when lowering yourself in, you
go:"Oo!Oo!Oo! Aa!Aa!Aa!".
MYSTERY BUS. The bus that arrives at the pub on Friday night while you're
in the toilet after your 10th pint, and whisks away all the unattractive
people so the pub is suddenly packed with stunners when you come back in.
MYSTERY TAXI. The taxi that arrives at your place on Saturday morning
before you wake up, whisks away the stunner you slept with, and leaves a
10-Pinter in your bed instead.
PICASSO BUM. A woman whose knickers are too small for her, so she looks
like she's got four buttocks
SALAD DODGER. An excellent phrase for an overweight person
SWAMP-DONKEY A deeply unattractive person
TART FUEL. Bottled premixed spirits, regularly consumed by young women
Wipe that smile off your face. All the very best, Allen
Posted by
Allen Jesson
6:12 AM
Saturday, November 04, 2006
Poems About Sex
Okay, that's about it for this post. Please comment of you want more....all the very best, Allen
Posted by
Allen Jesson
3:12 AM
Photos: affair, poems about sex, sex
Monday, October 30, 2006
How I Lost 7Ibs In ONE Week!!
Quite remarkable really but I got on the scales this morning and yes, it was official, I had lost 7lbs in just one week!!
How did I do it? Of course, my running helped, I have been slowly increasing the length of my runs each day and now I am nearly up to three miles. Today I will run the 3 miles and will keep going like that until I get to the 26.
So that extra exercise has obviously helped. The other major factor has been my detox diet, which effectively means coming off caffeine (so no tea or coffee), dairy (no milk, cream), preservatives, flavourings and colourings. Sugar and fats such as butter are also out. By the way, so are wheat based products, such as bread. Blimey, what's left to eat then? Plenty!! I haven't been hungry once. By the way, the first time you try such a drastic change to your diet you are going to feel pretty strange for a few days, but by the 3rd or 4th day you should start to feel pretty good, with a lot more energy in fact. One word of caution, this is obviously a major change to most so if in doubt, please seek medical advice first, I am not a dietician, I'm just sharing what has worked for me.
Of course, I'd already given up alcohol a few weeks back so that was one major hurdle I'd already overcome. I do miss my morning cup of coffee though and I'm looking forward to the gurgling sound of my coffee maker on Friday morning when I finish this detox stint. Actually, in those 7 days I haven't been totally good and I've had about 4 cups of (caffeined) tea and a couple of chocolate bars. But apart from that, no problems really. For the record, this has been the diet:
Breakfast: Jilly's Breakfast Crumble. Made with plums from the garden and the crumble is made of rolled oats and olive oil, instead of the traditional topping. Jilly adds honey and some mixed fruit to the mix and bakes it in the oven for about an hour. We eat it cold every morning, topped with some low fat yoghurt or fromage frois. Delicious!!!
Hot Drinks: Dandelion Tea mostly, we also have this toasted dandelion root tea which is quite nice too. Any herbal tea will do but watch out for the flavourings in the fruit teas.
Lunch: Of course, it's my Turkey and Tomato Soup. Delicious!!!
Afternoon Snack: Normally an apple (or a spoon or two of that crumble, can't stay away from it :o)
Evening Meals: Easy really. Grilled fish or chicken, served with steamed, grilled or roasted vegetables. We use an olive oil spray for the grilling and roasting and that works well. Sprinkle with a few fresh or dried herbs during or after cooking. For a dressing, I normally mix some lot fat fromage frois with some dijon mustard and some lemon juice. Again, add fresh herbs if in the mood.
That's it really, not rocket science. Plenty of exercise and food NOT ready made out of a packet.
To finish off I thought I'd share my updated map because I've now found a new tool on the marathon site that maps and measures out the distance for you. How sad!!
Posted by
Allen Jesson
6:39 AM
Thursday, October 26, 2006
Commitment and Sad Maps
"Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness
has genius, power and magic in it. Begin it now".
But I think Bill Murray, who led the Scottish Himalayan expedition in 1951, said it best:
"Until one is committed, there is hesitancy, the chance to draw back, always ineffectiveness. Concerning all acts of initiative ( and creation), there is one elementary truth the ignorance of which kills countless ideas and splendid plans: that the moment one definitely commits oneself, then providence moves too. All sorts of things occur to help one that would never otherwise have occurred. A whole stream of events issues from the decision, raising in one's favour all manner of unforeseen incidents and meetings and material assistance, which no man could have dreamed would have come his way."
Posted by
Allen Jesson
1:32 AM
Photos: commitment, dreams, goethe, marathon, running
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
More From The Newsletter
In every newsltter we will bring you an example of how poetry has been used in more dramatic or unusual circumstances to portraysomeone's innermost thoughts and feelings. I don't want to startevery newsletter on a sad note but this edition is dedicated to abrave lady called Trish, who has just lost her battle with cancer.On a happier note, her family had the rare chance to tell her what they thought of her and there was a fair amount of healing involved in that process. You can read her story and also download a freecopy of what I think is a quite remarkable e-book:
2. On a brighter note, poetry can also be used to celebrate the happier occasions in life. Poetry seems to be ideal for anniversaries, I think it's because it gives you the chance to say a few things you don't normally get to say in the everyday hubbub.There are many examples on the site so it's hard to choose a definitive favorite. Here's one I wrote recently for a 17thanniversary that seemed to hit the mark:
3. Obviously, I feel poetry is a very powerful medium and I thinkthat it can be a very useful vehicle to get a number of important messages across. I used to smoke, in fact, I smoked for 30 years. This poem helped me to quit the dreaded weed for good. If you know of a smoker who is trying to quit, you never know, this just mighthelp:
4. Stress Management Tips. If you got a little stressed reading this, maybe you need some of these stress management tips:
Okay, that's about it for today. I could go on but I'd better save some for the next edition. In the meantime, if I can help in any, please let me know. Thanks again and
All the very best,
Allen Jesson
Poet - Uniquely written gift poetry forevery occasion. - Create your own! (With some help froma friend :o)
PS If you signed up for the free trial, you should have received your password for the trial member's area. Hopefully, you've had achance to have a play with the software. If you're struggling then please read the help file here, it should give you a few good pointers:
Obviously full members get access to the whole database, which consists of literally thousands of poems and categorized verses,all waiting for you to add your magic to them. However, even as a trial member I think you should still be able to come up with something very meaningful, so again, please let me know how you went (why not send me an e-mail once you've completed your first poem?)
Posted by
Allen Jesson
7:21 AM
We have just launched our new revamped newsletter and we intend to keep our visitors informed and entertained. We will also include some interesting tips and articles to help them get the very best out of life.
1. In every newsletter we will show an example of how poetry has been used in more dramatic or unusual circumstances to portray someone's innermost thoughts and feelings. This is a quite a sad but inspirational story, because the 'receiver' of this gift was already dead, gunned down in a hail of police bullets. His brotherDale wanted to say something at his funeral and this was the very moving result:
2. On a brighter note, poetry can also be used to celebrate thehappier occasions in life and this one of my favorite examples of just that, actually it was part of my wedding speech. Very revealing and highly emotional!!
3. Obviously, I feel poetry is a very powerful medium and I thinkthat it can be a very useful vehicle to get a number of importantmessages across. This is quite topical for me because at the time of writing I have decided not to drink alcohol for six months as part of my training program to run in a 26 mile marathon next year.I found it quite inpsirational, I hope you do too (and if you know anybody who maybe drinks too much, you never know, this might just help them cut down or stop completely):
4. Time Management Tips. If you didn't have time to read this, maybe you need some of these time management tips:
Okay, that's about it for today. I could go on but I'd better save some for the next edition. In the meantime, if I can help in any, please let me know. Thanks again and
All the very best,
Allen Jesson
Poet - Uniquely written gift poetry forevery occasion. - Create your own! (With some help froma friend :o)
PS If you signed up for the free trial, you should have receivedyour password for the trial member's area. Hopefully, you've had a chance to have a play with the software. I would love to know your thoughts, please let me know. Here's a good example of what can be achieved in around ten minutes, in this case, for a wedding:
Obviously full members get access to the whole database, which consists of literally thousands of poems and categorized verses, all waiting for you to add your magic to them. However, even as a trial memberI think you should still be able to come up with something very meaningful, so again, please let me know how you went (why not send me an e-mail once you've completed your first poem?)
Posted by
Allen Jesson
7:14 AM
Photos: anniversary gift, gift, newsletter, poetry, wedding
Saturday, October 21, 2006
Mr Blob Meets Marathon Man
Posted by
Allen Jesson
2:26 AM
The Secret
We have recently watched this and although the sales page is a little too financially driven for my liking the lesson is good and well worth getting through the rather tacky first couple of minutes of the DVD. Anyway, up to you, thought of you when I watched it so I thought I'd pass on. Plan to be in Australia for the NY so if you know anybody who has 2 or 3 tickets for the Sydney test match I will be happy to take them off their hands (and obviously pay for them). Okay, that's about it for now, my other big news is that I'm running in the London Marathon next April and my chosen beneficiary is Cancer Research, inspired by Trish Britt (and my sister in law who has recently recovered from breast cancer). I've got about 2 stone to lose and can only manage a couple of miles at the moment so it will be literally an uphill challenge. On that subject, we've also organised a sponsored walk for tomorrow, got about 70 people and guess what? It is going to bucket down!! Ah well, never mind, enough of my troubles, I just hope you are doing great. All my love, Allen xxx
Posted by
Allen Jesson
2:23 AM
Saturday, October 14, 2006
Well, it has started. The long run in towards the marathon in April 2007. The diet has had to change and so far I have completed two runs, the second being a few hundred yards further than the first, which is my intention for every run (and to keep going until I'm running 26 miles in one hit). As promised, I'm going to share a few of my 'secret' recipes and this one is a beauty, low glycaemic, low fat, low cost and full of flavour. If you're on a tight budget or want to lose weight this one is a winner. I have it for lunch every day and one making will make around 12 servings..enjoy!!!
Soak 500gs butter beans overnight.
In a pressure cooker sized saucepan, fry one onion in olive oil until browned.
Add three good handfuls of chopped carrot, leek tops and celery. Reduce heat to simmer.
If being good, remove skin, then place turkey leg in saucepan.
Add soaked butter beans.
Add two tins of chopped tomatoes.
Add handful chopped sun dried tomatoes.
Spoonfuls of tomato puree.
Dessert spoon mixed herbs.
Spoonfuls of curry powder, paprika, chilli to taste
Sea salt to taste.
Any other left over vegetables. Mushrooms also good.
Add water to top.
Bring to boil and then simmer for 90 minutes
Remove turkey leg (meat should be falling off bone).
Chop turkey and return to soup. Discard bone (after gnawing, dog like :o)
Adjust seasoning to taste. Add chopped fresh tomatoes and fresh basil if you have.
Simmer for another 15 minutes and then enjoy!!!
Keep in fridge overnight and warm bowls up in small saucepan for the following days.
Posted by
Allen Jesson
4:10 AM
Thursday, October 12, 2006
Running For Africa. Running For Cancer Research. Running For Me.



PS My list of web-sites is growing by the day, if you want to visit any, please feel free to do so, details as follows:
Allen Jesson writes for several sites including vintage engagement rings and superb resouces for your dog training and hot dog training and Seapets, a leading source for dog training aids.
Allen Jesson writes for several sites including two sites that specialize in salt water and fresh water aquariums and the aquarium site and Seapets, a leading source for aquariums and fish tanks.
HOMEBASED + M1in365 +
Allen Jesson writes for several sites including and and
Allen Jesson writes for several sites including ones about a home based net marketing business and zero debt and home based net marketing business and debt consolidation. - Home based net marketing business - Home based net marketing business opportunities for everyone. - Vintage engagement rings - Vintage engagement rings and antique engagement rings. - A Gift Of Love - Gift site specializing in gifts of love from around the world. - Debt consolidation - Zero debt. No worries. Site specializing in advice to get people out of debt. - Allen Jesson's blogspot - Allen Jesson's blogspot for all the latest tips, advice and thoughts. - A Gift of Poetry blogspot - Allen Jesson's blogspot about poetry, gifts and life in general. - Salt water and fresh water aquariums - Site specializing in advice and set up of salt water and fresh water aquariums. - The aquarium site - The aquarium site is a one stop shop for all things aquarium. - Aquarium information - Comprehensive aquarium information for the aquatic enthusiast.
http://www.saltwaterfreshwateraquarium/aquariums - Saltwater and freshwater aquariums - Saltwater and freshwater aquariums, advice and information. - Dog training - Hot and very useful dog training tips. - Training Dogs - Site specializing in dog training tips. Happy and well trained dogs improve your sanity. - Traditional Paper First Anniversary Gift - The perfect traditional paper first anniversary gift, a gift that says it all. - Birthday verses Anniversary verses Wedding Verses - A Gift of Poetry. Birthday verses. Anniversary verses. Wedding Verses. Words for every occasion. - Anniversary Gift - The perfect anniversary gift, the gift that says it all.
Posted by
Allen Jesson
8:05 AM